List of all vaulted Music Funko Pops
Below you can find every vaulted Funko Pop in the Music category (common figures only). Filter the status to show vaulted or available.
*Affiliate links are used for Amazon and Ebay.
*Affiliate links are used for Amazon and Ebay.
Recently Music Vaulted Funko Pops
Below is a list of the latest Music/Rocks Funko Pops that have been vaulted/discontinued. When distributors are no longer able to order more of that Pop, it will be added to the list below. Sometimes it takes a while for them to have the vaulted status on the Funko app. Only common 4 inch Funko Pops are tracked. You can check out the current Amazon prices below.
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Last update: 07/15/2022
Last update: 07/15/2022